Life in Korea


외부기관 문화행사

Application for YouTube training program for K-influencer

Want to be the next influencer for Korea?

Be the next YouTube creator of Korean cultural content.

Welcome to the 2nd K-influencer Academy, YouTube training program for Korea lovers.



o Who

Anyone who loves Korea and is running a YouTube channel could apply


o How

To access the application, click on the link

Please enter the required basic information about yourself.

Explain how you would run a YouTube channel that promotes Korean culture.


o Program benefits:

§ YouTube channel growth consulting

§ Production/design support

§ Creator mentorship

§ Chance to debut on

§ The best influencer will get the chance to visit Korea

*Benefits of the program may differ depending on the extent of one's participation and circumstances.


o Application period

March 22 - April 18, (KST)


o QnA

K-influencer Academy Office (


o Curious about the activities of 1st generation of K-influencer?

K-influencer YouTube Channel

- YouTube Channel


Presented by KOCIS ( for K-inflencer training program


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