


2023 DMZ 국제청년평화순례


1995년 설립된 서울대교구 민족화해위원회에서 한반도 평화를 위한 여러 활동을 진행하고 있으며

 오는 8월 '2023 DMZ 국제 청년 평화순례'를 아래와 같이 개최하오니 참여를 희망하시는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다 



As per His Holiness Pope Francis, “ eace is a gift of God, but requires our efforts.”

Following His efforts to build Peace, Solidarity, and Love for Life,

We have annually organized a ‘World Peace Pilgrimage’ for Youth,

Who are the Hope of our Future as well as “the Now of God.”

Our Pilgrimage aims to bring the global Youth together, 
With hopes that they will one day reconnect the worlds.

We teach our Youth virtues of Reconciliation and Forgiveness, With hopes to shape Young Builders of Peace with Tolerance.

We invite all people suffering from conflict and division
 To our Pilgrimage, who will initiate a global movement for Peace.

We welcome all people interested in Reconciliation and Love for Life
 To the Korean Peninsula, which will become a Global Epicenter of Peace.

